M&A and Strategic Advisory through the lens of a strategic buyer.
Torstar Sells Digital Marketing Technology to Loblaw Companies Ltd.
We Are Social makes first acquisition, taking a majority stake in Dubai-based social media agency Socialize
What it takes to brand an agency
Iris acquires pricing specialists Pricing Solutions
R&D Venture Partners to Participate in Boulder Startup Week
Ad agency mergers, big and small, part of larger industry changes
Drum Interview: Every good agency can sell itself
Green Square and R&D Venture Partners Collaborate to Extend Global Footprint
R&D Venture Partners Advise Digital Creative Agency, Grip, on its Sale to The Dentsu Aegis Network
Dentsu Aegis Network Gets Grip
RDVP Backed Visibl Announces Funding Milestone, Rebrands to Brandzooka
MDC Vets Launch M&A Advisory, Investment Firm
R&D Venture Partners Advises Engagement Labs as it expands into the US and UK Markets with Acquisition of Leading Conversation Market Research Firm Keller Fay Group.
Ad Holding Company thought leaders announce the formal launch of R&D Venture Partners.